Play2Golf allows you to completely manage a golf school or academy:

Create the school

All 'club' or 'professional' users can create their own school.

WE GIVE YOU A LICENSE OF 1 MONTH, so you can do tests with a limit of 20 students.

The steps to create the school are:

  • Log in to Play2Golf with your username
  • Enter the option Golf school
  • Enter the name of the school and press the 'Create School' button
  • The school's main screen will be displayed, where you can start setting it up.


In the configuration option, it is allowed to indicate the data to configure the school.

Settings. General data

The first tab indicates the general configuration data of the school.

  • Name: School Name
  • User owner: Name of the user who created the school
  • End license: School License End Date at Play2Golf. A few days before the license is about to end, it is notified with a message on the main screen of the school, allowing it to be extended for the period of time that is selected.
  • Active: Indicates whether the school is active or inactive.
  • Visibility: The school is allowed to be available or not in the school search engine and that users can find it and sign up as students. If it is set to private, the school will not be available in the search engine and then, the managing users of the school must point to the users as students.
  • Duration of classes: Duration, in minutes, which is set by default when creating new classes.
  • Max. reserves: The number of reservations that are set by default when creating new classes.
  • Margin cancellation classes: Nº hours in advance allowed to students to cancel clases. If there are fewer hours than those configured in the class for it to begin, the student will not be able to cancel their registration.
  • Email notice reservations: Indicates whether or not the reservations of a class are notified when a free space is generated when one of the students who were signed up is deleted.
  • Margin formalization reserves: Nº hours of margin that is given to the reserves to formalize the registration if a free place is generated. If after this time, the reservation has not formalized its reservation, the next reservation signed up for the class is notified.
  • Student registration: When the school is set to public, users will be able to sign up as students. With this option it is possible to indicate if the user automatically registers as students or has to pass a validation process by the school administrators before that user is admitted as a student.
  • Class days: It allows you to select the days on which the school offers classes to students.

Settings. Users

It allows to indicate the users who can access the school as managers or teachers.

When you click on the add user option, a screen appears in which you can configure the profile, modules and information to which each user has access.

  • User: In order to add a user as a manager or teacher, they must first be registered as a user in Play2Golf.
  • Active: It indicates whether the user is active in the school or not, that is, if they can access or not.
  • Email: User's contact email. This data is private and is not visible to students.
  • Phone: User's contact telephone number This data is private and is not visible to students.
  • Teacher: Indicates if the user is a teacher at the school
  • School settings: Indicates whether the user has access to the school settings option.
  • Class management: Indicates whether the user has access to create, modify, and delete classes in the calendar. It can be configured so that you can only query the data.
  • Student management: Indicates whether the user has access to create, modify, and delete students from the school. It can be configured so that you can only query the data.
  • Bonus management: Indicates whether the user has access to create, modify, and delete student bonuses. It can be configured so that you can only query the data.
  • Statistics: Indicates whether the user has access to the school's statistics option.

Settings. Available bonuses

It allows you to configure the types of bonuses and bonuses that are supported in the school so that students can spend them in classes.

Bond types are used to classify and group bonds of the same type. For example, individual class bonuses or group class bonuses.

The bonuses available at the school are fully configurable.

  • Name: Name of the bonus.
  • Type: Bonus type. For example, bonus of individual classes or bonus of group classes.
  • Nº credits: Number of credits obtained when this bond is purchased. Credits are spent on classes.
  • Amount: Bonus amount.
  • Active: Indicates whether the voucher is currently active at the school, available for students to purchase.

Settings. Subjects

The subjects are the different topics on which the classes will be developed: general concepts, putt, drive, etc.

They serve to compose the description of the classes simply by selecting the topics on which the class that is being created will be treated.

Student management

Section in which students belonging to the school are allowed to manage.

Students. General information

The main tab of a student's card indicates the following information:

  • Name: Student's name. In order to enroll a student in the school, they must first be registered as a user in Play2Golf.
  • Status: Student status.
    • ACTIVE: The student is active and can access the school and sign up for classes.
    • PENDING ACTIVATE: When the school has configured the option for students to sign up but need validation by school administrators, they will be assigned this status. A managing user must change this status to an ACTIVE, INACTIVE, or LOCKED state. A user in a PENDING ACTIVATE state is not currently allowed access to the school.
    • BLOCKED: The student is blocked and therefore cannot access the school.
    • INACTIVE: The student is inactive and therefore cannot access the school. This status can be assigned to a student who will no longer be teaching at the school.
  • Email: Student's email.
  • Phone: Student's phone.
  • Internal comments: Annotations for internal use for school users.

When a student enters the school for the first time, he must accept or refuse access to his personal contact data to the managing users of the school.

If the student accepts access to their contact data, the managing users will be able to view them on this screen, otherwise, they will be partially encoded.

An option to send email messages to the student is available, from which the email will not be displayed.

Students. Student bonuses

The bonuses tab of a student's card displays the vouchers purchased by the student, their status and their expiration date.

The data associated with a voucher purchased by a student are as follows:

  • Initial date: Date on which the bonus has been assigned to the student.
  • Register user: User who has assigned the bonus to the student.
  • Student: Student's name.
  • Bonus: Voucher purchased by the student, from among those available at the school.
  • Status: Bond status.
    • ACTIVE: The bonus is active, has credits available, and you can use it to sign up for a class where this bonus is supported.
    • EXPIRED: The bonus has reached its expiration date without having been fully spent.
    • SPENT: The student has spent all available credits and therefore can no longer be used.
    • BLOCKED: The bonus has been blocked and therefore cannot be used.
  • Nº credits: Nº credits that have been acquired when buying the bond.
  • Nº credits available: Number of credits left to be used in the bond.
  • Amount: Amount paid by the student to purchase the voucher.
  • Date from: Date from which the bonus can be used.
  • Date up to: End date until which the bonus can be used. If the end date is reached without having spent all the credits, the bonus will be put in an EXPIRED state.
  • Paid date: Date on which the student has paid the bonus.

If any bonus credits have been spent, at the bottom of this screen you can see the classes in which you have used it.

Students. Classes of a student

The classes tab of a student's file displays the classes that the student has given and the bonuses that he has used to sign up.

Bonus management

Section in which it is allowed to manage the vouchers acquired by the students.

Bonus management. Bonus detail

The detail of the bonuses is explained in a previous section. Click here to consult

Class management

It is the main module where visually you can organize classes on weekdays.

Class management. Calendar

On the main screen of the school you can see the classes that are taught on each day of the week.

There is a box where you can choose a specific date.

To the right of the date are the following buttons:

  • Show the previous week
  • Show next week
  • Show the current week
  • Refresh the contents

Below the date, the weekly calendar is displayed. In the school settings, you can indicate the days of the week on which classes are taught, which are the days shown in this calendar.

Next to each day, the following buttons are displayed:

  • New class on that day
  • Copy another day's classes: A date from which the classes will be copied will be requested.

If no classes are set up in the week, a button will be displayed to copy classes from every day of another week.

Class management. New class

When you click the button to create a new class, a window like the following will be displayed.

  • Date: Date on which the class is taught
  • Time: Time the class is taught
  • Active: Indicates whether the class is active or not. If the class is not active, students cannot sign up.
  • Description: Description of the class. On the right is a button to select the subjects to be taught in the class. The subjects that are normally taught can be indicated in the configuration part of the school. The description of the class can be written manually or it can be formed as you select the subjects.
  • Teacher: Teacher who teaches the class
  • Teacher 2: If there are several teachers registered in the school, a second teacher can be selected to teach the class
  • Supported bonuses: These are the types of bonuses admitted to the class. Bonus types can be indicated in the school settings. Por defecto, al crear la escuela, los tipos son: INDIVIDUAL CLASSES, GROUP CLASSES
  • Nº credits spend: Number of credits spent on the bonuses of students who sign up for the class
  • Duration: Number of minutes that the class lasts. When you create a new class, you set it to the value indicated in the school settings, but you can change the value for each class individually.
  • Min. students: Minimum number of students who must be registered for the class to be taught.
  • Max. students: Maximum number of students who can register for the class.
  • Max. reserves: Maximum number of reservations that can be signed up for the class. When the class reaches the maximum number of students, you can give the option to sign up for additional students, who will remain as reservations. When a student who is enrolled is deleted from the class, the first reservation will be notified and will be given a time (indicated in the school settings) to formalize their registration. If the reservation is not formalized in the time it has been given, the second reservation will be notified, etc. When you create a new class, you set it to the value indicated in the school settings, but you can change the value for each class individually.
  • Gender: Se puede limitar el sexo de los alumnos que se pueden apuntar a la clase. In this way you can configure classes of MEN, WOMEN or MIXED.

When you create the class, it will be displayed in the calendar as follows.

  • Modify the class data.
  • Class students. Later it is explained how to manage the students of a class.
  • Duplicate the class, that is, create a copy of the class at another time or another day.
  • Delete the class
  • Indicates the students who have signed up for the class. The first number is the number of students who have signed up, in this case 0. The second number is the maximum number of students admitted to the class, in this case, it is an individual class, that is, 1 student maximum.
  • The number of students will be shown in red if the maximum number of students allowed has been enrolled in the class.
  • When the class has been filled and a student has signed up as a reservation, it will be displayed with the +.

Class management. Duplicate Class

When you click the button to duplicate the class, a window will be displayed with the same information as the class you want to copy and you can indicate another date and time.

Class management. Delete class

Pressing the button to delete the class will ask for confirmation and pressing the delete button will delete the class. You cannot delete the class if you have a student signed up.

Class management. Copy all classes for a day

When you click the button to copy the classes in a day, you will be asked to indicate the source day from which you want to copy the classes.

Class management. Copy a week's schedule

When you click the button to copy a full week's lessons, you will be prompted to indicate the day of a week from which you want to copy the classes.

This button will only appear if no class has been defined during the week.

Class management. Class students

By pressing the student button in the class, you will access a window in which you can manage the students of a class, to point new students, delete them, etc.

In order to enroll a student, they must be registered as a user in Play2Golf and assigned as an active student of the school.

Students can sign up themselves by logging in to Play2Golf with their username.

Only students who have an active bonus of the type of bonus allowed for the class, with credits available, can sign up for a class.

Students who are listed as reserves will be shown in red.

The options available to students are as follows:

  • Modify the student's status.
  • Allows you to send a message by email to the student.
  • Delete the student from the class.